
No Zumba today nor tomorrow sorry for that! Instead here you have a 40 min class that you can enjoy in the comfort of your own home. This will be available from today at 12 and 24hrs. STUDENT CODE: AD1817

More knowledge

So I don’t how you feel but I have a constant need of feeding my mind, of learning, of implementing things both personally but also for my business. Not only to get more knowledge but also to be able to help others even more, to share the wisdom. I just finished up Day 1 of 4 of the workshop with […]


If you checked any of the □ then Mindvalley is something for you? If you didn’t check any of the □ Mindvalley might still be something for you!The nr of courses, talks, workshops that you find there are amazing and I really do believe there is at least on thing for everyone.Mindvalley has not only been a platform for myself development but also a […]

Goal Setting

Do you set exiting goals 🧿 for yourself?And I really mean the kind of goals where you can feel the butterflies 🦋both of excitement and that little scary😬 feeling of doing something outside your comfort zone!○The important in not only to have that goal that gets you all fired 🔥up but also to see and work towards it!! If you […]

Välmående under pandemin

Hur mår du? Hur känner du dig? Saknas det något? Hur mår din kropp? Har du tagit hand om den eller glömt bort den? Hur mår du psykisk? Känner du dig i en dip eller känner du att världen är öppen för nya möjligheter? Pandemin har påverkat oss allihopa, på olika sätt men vi har alla blivit påverkade. Frågan är, […]

We Rise Up event

I don’t know about you but I love learning, getting new ideas, getting to understand the human mind and body more. Not only that when listening to others you get another perspective on things, it opens up the mind for other opportunities and ways of seeing the world. So if you are anything like me or feel that you want […]